Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Swiss Alps

The next town we went to was called Grindelwald.  The first place we stopped was the chocolate shop!

The view of the Alps is beautiul when the clouds are not in front of them.

The Switzerland flag is red with a white cross on it.
The Orange Boat was floating near Neuchatel.  I wondered if the Orangemen from Beatrice were coming to visit me.......Go Orangemen!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Benny takes the train to Wengen

Hello Friends, many of the houses that I see in Switzerland are tall and narrow with small windows.  There are lots of rolling grassy hills and then there are some very big mountains called the Swiss Alps.  The people here speak German and some speak French because we are very close to the country of France where Madeline comes from.

Imagine a REALLY Big book shelf on a REALLY BIG mountain and then imagine a little city on the shelf.  I took a train to a city like that called Wengen.  It was my first train ride ever.  I had to have my very own ticket.  When the train started moving the a lady that worked on the train came around with a hole puncher and punched my ticket.  I liked looking out the windows of the train. 
Heidi and me

Looking out the window of the train

The cows in Switzerland graze on grass high in the mountains but when autumn comes they have eaten most of the grass so they bring them back down the mountain for the winter.  Sometimes the cows go for three months without seeing any people so it is a big celebration when the farmers bring them down from the through the villages.  They all had large cow bells on and some even had big bouquet of flowers on their heads! It was really fun to watch.

This dog belonged to a shop keeper and he was warm to snuggle with!

Getting ready to leave Wengen

Benny Bear

9/19/'s chilly here in Switzerland. Today I enjoyed Swiss cocoa with a chocolate filled croissant. Playing Scrabble is fun. What are some of your favorite board games?

9/15/2011-- Guten tag (good morning) Mrs. Week's kindergarten class and any other little friends that might be following. My names is Benny the Super Kinder Bear. I have traveled from Nebraska all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to the continent of Europe on an airplane. I hope you come along with me and learn about some of the countries I am visiting.

The first country I visited was Germany. It's flag is black, yellow and red. What colors are the American flag?

Dogs are everywhere! Do any of you have dogs at your house? I am watching an obedience class for dogs in the middle of town. Obedience is a big word for obey which means to be a good listener. It's important to obey so you can stay safe. I hope all of you are good listeners for your parents and teachers.

What do you like to eat for breakfast? In Germany their breakfasts are much different. They eat hard rolls, tomatoes, cheese, cucumbers and ham or salami. The white blob in the middle is cream cheese flavored with herbs. I thought it tasted delicious. I am not afraid to try new things. Would you try eating it if you were here?
It was important that I ate a good breakfast because I needed the food for energy. I climbed up a very hight mountain called Mt. Herzogstand. It was warm when we started but as we got higher the air became cooler and we could feel a nice breeze. I hope you eat a good breakfast before you get your day started.


We visited a candy store. Can you find me in the picture? What kind of candy do you like? We have also eaten a lot of gelato which is like ice cream....yummy, yummy for a super bear's tummy!

After enjoying all those treats I needed to get some exercise. On this lake there were hundreds of people windsurfing. They stand up on a surfboard that has a sail attached to it. They try and catch the wind with their sail and it moves them across the water. You can see what I mean if you take a plastic grocery sack and hold it up into the breeze. If you turn it just right the wind will go inside the sack and you will feel a little tug. What kind of exercise do you like to do?

I met some new friends in Germany. They are dressed in traditional alpine clothing called lederhosen. This was the clothing that farmers would wear. But now it is a fun way to dress up. Halloween is around the corner, will any of you be dressing up?

Do any of you drink Capri Sun or chocolate milk? In Germany it is called Capri-Sonne and milch. The language here is very different but some words are recognizable. Kirsche means cherry and apfel means apple. What are some of your favorite drinks?
This castle that I vistited is called Neuschwanstein (newshvinestine) It was built my King Ludwig II. It is the castle that inspired Walt Disney. Have you ever been to Disney Land or Disney World?
In Germany there are many farms with cows. The cows I see in Nebraska are black and white but most of the cows in Germany are brown and white. Do any of you live on a farm?

Well, that's it for my trip around Germany. Next time you hear from me I will be in Switzerland!